Grab your backpack, Dad. . .We’re going to school

The life of students with teacher parents on campus

Jack von Quilich, Staff Writer

It happens every year. It could be you, a friend, or even a classmate: your parent is a teacher at your school. How have the stars aligned for this occurrence to happen? For the Hunter family, this is a reality.

You would think that everyone would know U.S. history teacher and athletic director John Hunter has kids going to his school, but most times it goes unnoticed. Mr. Hunter has been a teacher here on campus for 13 years and has one son, Jacob, and one daughter, Madeline, currently attending Oakmont. Both with high expectations to succeed.

“It’s wonderful to see my kids every day. When they were little, I worked at a different school than then they went to,” Hunter said. “But now, I’m a part of their world in maybe a different world than other parents and I’m more aware of what goes on.”

Madeline is a freshman at Oakmont. Her dad working here does not stop her from getting A’s in her classes and does not feel the pressure of having her dad at school.

“He is definitely on me and my brother for our grades, but my grades tend to stay high so I don’t worry too much,” Madeline said.

Jacob, on the other hand, is a junior. Despite what one may think, the family takes two different cars to school, with Jacob driving his sister. He also plays basketball for Oakmont.

“I mean having my dad at school is cool and everything, but Mr. Parr is my real father figure,” Jacob said.