See You at the Pole 2018

Ciaran Henderson, Staff Writer & Designer

See You at the Pole is an annual event that occurs every third Wednesday of September, it’s a Christian based event where students meet outside the flagpole of their school to pray, read scripture, and worship to promote better wellness of their school.

See You at the Pole was concepted in Burleson, Texas in 1990. It was a small event that began with three teen boys before it turned to three schools in Texas and slowly grabbed the media’s attention. By the time June 1990 rolled around, 20,000 students of Texas were prepared to participate. When the event happened on September 12, 1990, more than 45,000 teenagers actually showed up. It grew to national and even international size after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers of New York.  Ever since then, many Christians across the United States use the time as an important reminder of their faith and the significance it places everywhere, including school.

“This is a public way for. . .anyone praying to refocus their presence at school: to portray who Jesus is to our peers and be a testament of his love,” sophomore Abbie Cutts said.

The event took place during the morning hours of September 26, 2018 where several Oakmont students joined in prayer and scripture-reading together as a whole. The scene is very symbolic to some Christians and means a lot more than an early morning outside school. Though they were half-asleep from doing homework or from walking to school, they stood in solidarity for their reassurance in religion.

“I believe in the power of prayer and it’s transformative work. I know that if I ask God or call to him, that he’s listening and working together for our benefit and his glory. Prayer is always powerful, and I think this event specifically will unify other individuals that believe in similar ideas.” Cutts said.