A Building Crisis in Eastern Europe

Explaining the building tension between Russia, NATO, and Ukraine

NATO allies train together.


NATO allies train together.

Timothy Petrash, Staff Writer

Russia is massing troops on the Ukrainian border, tensions haven’t been this high since the Crimean annexation, what is the reaction and what could potential consequences be?

Russia and Ukraine have been in a years long conflict, politically spanning from 2014 to now. 

The Russian interests in the region have largely contributed to this conflict. Warm water ports, extremely fertile farming land, and east trade routes are just a few interests to list.

The Donbas Coldict, spanning from April 6th to now, has also been another point of contention as the Donbas separatists are Russian leaning, while Ukraine seeks deeper ties with the West.

But, a few days ago, President Voldymyr Zelenskiy revealed that Ukrainian intelligence had uncovered a Russian military plot against Ukraine. With a growing number of troops at the Russian border, this only flamed worries.

Ukraine has called for Western assistance as many Ukrainian officials and people worry about what could happen, resulting in the United States to say that serious consequences will result in a Russian offensive. 

While there is still uncertainty of what other Western countries stance on this may be, it is clear that a Russian offensive attack against Ukraine could have very bad consequences.

Russia would have control over a large portion of all European food production, the offensive could decimate Ukrainian infrastructure, and it could lead to other Eastern European countries reacting militarily.

Russia has denied the accusation of an invasion plot, but the situation still stands to be one of dangerous tension as Putin continues to push a Pan-Slavist ideology and warns NATO not to cross the Ukrainian “red-lines.”

While much speculation surrounds this issue, one thing is clear: channels of negotiation must be opened to come to a resolution of de-escalation.