The Journey of “Blue Banisters”

The newest album by the acclaimed Lana Del Rey is given an in-depth look.

Blue Banisters album cover art, picturing Lana Del Rey with 2 dogs.

@interscope on Instagram.

“Blue Banisters” album cover art, picturing Lana Del Rey with 2 dogs.

Tim Petrash, Staff Writer

On Oc. 22, Lana Del Rey released a beautiful piano ballad, “Blue Banisters,” an album her fans had been waiting for months to be released. Was it worth the wait?

Lana Del Rey is a critically acclaimed musician, earning five Grammys within the span of her debut in 2005 to the current day.

The album mainly consists of slow piano ballads and symphonies, supported by Lana Del Rey’s iconic voice. In total, it lasts 61:54, containing 15 songs.

I absolutely loved this album. From the captivating instrumentals, to the mesmerizing vocals, to the artistically pleasing music videos, Lana Del Rey created a true work of art.

Lana Del Rey also tackles themes of heartbreak, misogyny, and integrity. 

What I enjoyed most about the album was her willingness to take risks and try something new. In previous albums, like “NFR” and “Born to Die,” her instrumentals often consisted of various instruments, some giving a more rock-type sound.

It was definitely a risk to turn from her modern sound to a classical and symphony-like sound, but she made it work wonderfully.

Though, the true instrument in this album is her voice, not the piano.

My favorite songs are “Arcadia,” “Dealer,” and “Wildflower Wildfire.” These songs truly outline the differentiation this album has to her previous ones and highlights the tone of her work from everything else that has been released this year.

I appreciate the route Lana Del Rey takes and how bold she is. She breaks the mold of having a distinct era or theme every album. Lana Del Rey does what sounds the most true to her artistic style, that being a slower, melodic approach. 

“Blue Banisters” excelled in its interpretation of singledom, grief, pain, and misogyny, and it handled these themes with careful deliberation. Lana Del Rey has once again proven herself to be a titan in the music industry.