Eco-Friendly Tip of the Week: Refillable Deodorant

Eco-Friendly Tip of the Week: Refillable Deodorant

Emmery Schuetz, Staff Writer

Deodorant has been estimated to be responsible for about 15 million pounds of plastic waste a year. Deodorant is used by so many people, and on average a single person will use 272 sticks of deodorant in their lifetime. This contributes to a lot of waste, specifically because deodorant containers are items that are typically made of plastic and are thrown away after usage. 

So what can you do?

Lately, some big name brands have decided to approach this problem with the creation of refillable deodorant. Dove and Secret have made deodorants that come in a reusable container with easy-to-use refillable abilities. The refills are sold separately and come in a number of scents to suit your needs. Just make sure that before you make the swap, you use up the deodorant you already have so that you don’t waste it! 

Every step towards being eco-friendly is good, no matter how small. Using refillable deodorant is a simple step that you can take to make your journey towards eco-friendly living happen faster!