Gifts to Give This Holiday Season

Ideas on what to give your friends and family this Christmas

Having trouble coming up with gifts for your friends and family? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Courtesy of PxHere

Having trouble coming up with gifts for your friends and family? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Belle Felicity Usi, Staff Writer

If you are anything like me, you also have trouble coming up with what to give your friends and family every Christmas. Here are some ideas to help you decide on this year’s Christmas gifts.

A vinyl: If you have a friend or family member who has a record player lying around, get them a vinyl record! It’s a cool way to listen to music and the vinyl covers are definitely a bonus. 

A film camera: Film cameras are so inexpensive. If you manage to find one at a thrift store, you will only spend about $5-$10. Plus, this way, your friends and family are less likely to use disposable cameras and waste plastic. 

A snack box: Obviously, with this pandemic going on, it’s hard to meet up with your friends and have a nice meal. However, you can drop off a snack box at their doorstep and have a FaceTime call for a virtual hangout session with their favorite treats!

Jewelry: For me, jewelry is a great way to spice up an outfit and show my friends and family that I love them. You can give people anything from heart locket necklaces to handmade friendship bracelets. 

This year, hopefully buying and giving gifts will cheer your loved ones up and make them feel less alone. Make sure to include a letter or a note with your gift as a way to let them know that you miss them!