Junior Prom 2019!

Q&A about Junior Prom with Alyanna Salva and Kiona Prout

Juniors Kioana Prout and Alyanna Salva posing for a picture before junior prom.

Kylee Montgomery, Staff Writer

Juniors Alyanna Salva and Kiona both attended Junior prom on April 6, and this was their experience.

What was your overall experience at Junior prom?

Alyanna Salva: Prom was fun, but the music was not that good.

Kiona Prout: It was not what I expected because it was not as hype as I thought it would be.

What did you do during prom?

AS: All  I did during prom was eat and dance.

KP: I just danced.

What would you rate the music out of 10?

AS: I would rate the music about 6.5.

KP: The music was about a 3, it was bad.

What were the things you liked about prom?

AS: I liked hanging out with friends and getting ready.

KP:  I liked the decorations, lights, and how everything was set up.

Would you recommend Junior prom? Why or why not?

AS: Yes, I would because it is a once in a lifetime thing. You get to dress up and get to be be with all of your friends and have a good time.

KP: Yes, I recommend prom because it is a once in a lifetime thing. You will always look back at it when you’re older and remember all the great memories you made with your friends.