The Parking Lot, Can You Handle It?
October 23, 2018
Students who drive understand the daily dread of exiting our parking lot. The student and staff parking lot is highly packed, which causes a delay when leaving after school.
Question: Tell me about the biggest struggle of leaving the parking lot?
Gabriella Trujillo: “The lines that were painted from previous years are still visible this year, so it’s confusing where the parking spots are. Also, it is a struggle to leave.”
Dylan Horn: “Dumb drivers. I drive a pretty big truck. It’s hard to get out of there without having someone there.”
Question: How long do you normally wait to leave daily?
Gabriella Trujillo: “I go straight to my car. It normally takes about a minute or two to leave the parking lot because I get there super early before anyone else gets there.”
Dylan Horn: “I get out of the parking lot at like 2:50. I just wait in line.”
Question: What would you say are the best strategies for leaving?
Gabriella Trujillo: “I weave into that [front] exit. I get there early and leave also to maybe stay here and go to Fifth Period and wait it out.”
Dylan Horn: “Rush out of school, get right in your car and don’t do anything [to stall] and go straight to an exit.”
Question: Which exit is best to leave from?
Gabriella Trujillo: “You can turn left from the middle exit but for me, that’s the worst to leave from but the far back exit tends to be faster because you can only turn right.”
Dylan Horn: “Middle. It’s a lot easier to turn from if you’re going right or left.”
Question: How do you feel about the “no left turn” law? Should it only apply during school hours?
Gabriella Trujillo: “I think it’s to prevent accidents. Most people are new and don’t know how to drive. I do wish you could take a left-hand turn.”
Dylan Horn: “It’s there for a reason. I mean no one follows that law. I mean I still do it not gonna lie.”
Question: Does Honking annoy you?
Gabriella Trujillo: “Sometimes a horn is necessary, but other times just be respectful drivers.”
Dylan Horn: “Not really, I don’t really care about it, if you want to do it then do it. It’s kind of funny.”
Question: Do you “cut in line”? How do you feel about other students doing it?
Gabriella Trujillo: “It can be frustrating when you’re trying to get out there… if you can find a respectful way to do it then I say do it.”
Dylan Horn: “I don’t really see anyone cutting in line because I feel like people will wait to leave school.”
Oakmont Parking Lot
Photo by Holly Watson