The growing success of both the concert and marching bands at Oakmont has prompted a big and exciting change. The band teacher Samuel Elmore recently held auditions for a new honor band, officially called the Oakmont Wind Ensemble.
“I believe Oakmont has the talent and desire for a more robust music program and adding another large performance ensemble is a starting point,” Elmore said. “I wanted to expose them to [higher level music] and possibly plant a seed that music in college may be an option for them.”
The Wind Ensemble is technically a club, but it is treated like a class. With the ensemble meeting after school, it is an opportunity for students already in Elmore’s concert band class to expand their musical repertoire, experience, and indulge in their passion for music.
Additionally, the club practices honing skills, such as how to practice their instruments efficiently.
“This band is meant to challenge and stretch the abilities of students while tackling important skills that they would need to be successful in college music,” Elmore said.
The wind ensemble is not exclusive to band students; anyone can audition, although they are warned that tryouts are blind and the music is difficult.
“This is all college-level repertoire that we are playing, so the audition music is quite challenging,” Elmore said.
The pieces are rated, on average, 4 or 5 on a scale from 0.25 to 6, and the ensemble hopes to perform some of those pieces this year in at least one concert. However, they also have high hopes for a festival.
Ultimately, no matter how difficult the music may be, the OHS Wind Ensemble is ready and looking forward to its growth in talent and size. If the Wind Ensemble is any indication, the Oakmont band program has a bright future.