In 2021, Gardening Club was created at Oakmont with Jenna West-Stewart as president. The hope for the club being to build a more interactive agricultural experience for students to have easy access to and to grow food to provide to Oakmont’s culinary class.
The club meets on Wednesdays each week in room 502 during lunch. Club members are typically given a couple of minutes at the beginning of lunch to ease their way to the room and eat before they start the activity planned for that day: planting seeds and general plant upkeep.
During one of the club meetings, members spent the time cleaning out the garden beds. This meant removing pumpkins, which had been left from Halloween, and filling them with fresh mulch and soil. They had hoped to begin planting seeds that same day but due to the limited amount of time provided, they hadn’t been able to execute it.
Despite the limited time available to them, the club members make the most of it within each meeting.
“The club environment is very friendly,” freshman Kylee Roth said.
If you are a fan of gardening or are looking for a nice community to spend your lunchtime with on Wednesdays, the gardening club is the place for you.