September Horoscopes
Aries (March 21-April 19)- September may be a frustrating month for the Aries community. Many creative ideas can be flowing through one’s mind with the moon passing through Aries. However, while Mercury seems to be stationed, it can seem difficult to continue the flow of creative energy. But lucky for Aries, it is a short creative block and it can be in an Arian’s best interest to use the creative block to reflect on their emotions and understand themselves better.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)- September has the potential to bring a well deserved, good month to Taurans. Most planets seem to be in your favor, especially those that control communication, business, and writing. With much of the universe being in your best interest, it is a good time for improvement, bonding, and strengthening relationships.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)- Geminis may need to dedicate some time for self-care this September. In the beginning of the month, emotions may be coming at you from every which way and it can create unnecessary stress. While some important decisions may be up in the air this month, do not forget that it is perfectly okay to create a few hours to destress. However, do not be scared to step outside of your circle this month.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)- Use the advantages of Mercury, the planet in control of communication, to explain and express yourself freely and clearly this month. If something needs to be said to make a situation better, do not hold back. Take opportunities to make new friends and leave an impact wherever you feel it needs to be.
Leo (July 23-August 22)- September is Leo’s time to analyze their situations. Have you been lounging too much? Is it time to leave your comfort zone? If there is a desire to change surroundings, now is the time to do it. Go for walks and practice some self care. Discover some new hobbies and enjoy the month as it comes and goes.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)- Many Virgo birthdays happen this month, so happy birthday! With it being your season, use this month to think with your heart rather than your brain; live life with passion rather than through analyzing every step you make. Relax and find new interests in life, discover something in which you able to do what you are passionate about.
Libra (September 23-October 22)- Libra season begins on the 23rd, so happy birthday to some Libras, too! Use this month to lighten up and feel free from your past responsibilities and commitments. Do not allow the past to over shadow you in this time, use your libra charm and remain true to yourself this month. This month may include drifting apart from the past, and stepping closer to the future. Do not hesitate to let go this month.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)- The first couple weeks may pass very sluggishly for you. However, as time progresses, September can offer many opportunities to promote yourself and advocate for what you believe in. Keep your eyes open because you may be presented with a big “Ah-ha” moment revealed most likely through academics or career.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)- September may not be the month for you to look at the bright side of things, optimistic Sagittarius. You may begin to question your own thoughts and beliefs but not for long because your motivation and inspiration will soon peek. However, it is still a good idea to stay aware and alert for anything that may not appear quite right. Stick to your gut.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)- With many planets in retrograde this month, it may open many opportunities for friendships and relationships. For those seeking friends and potential partners, take a chance and express your feelings as you see fit. And for those already in relationships, take this time to focus on your partner to strengthen and better your relationship.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)- While the beginning of the month may be blurry and unclear of its purpose, don’t sweat it. New opportunities may be presented throughout the month and if they seem right, do not be afraid to take the chance. However, it is also the time to think about anybody who has wronged you in the past and decide if they deserve to be forgiven or not.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)- Use this month to show your creative side, Pisces. Express yourself freely because it may inspire others to do the same. Make sure to help people around you who need it this month, but do not hesitate to ask for help yourself. Remain true to yourself and be your own biggest fan this month.

Emily Rojas has been on the Norse Notes staff for 4 years, and currently fulfills the roles of editor-in-chief, head photographer, as well as head designer....