Oakmont’s swim team
The delays during this swim season.

Miguel Lozano (10) and Patrick Kocher (10) smile as they push their way through the end.
April 12, 2023
With the extreme weather conditions recently, Oakmont High School’s swim team has had to delay the start of their swim season.
The numerous delays have withdrawn from their practices, meets and even games.
Tatum Howes, a player on the JV team claims she finds the offbeat weather entertaining sometimes, but after some time, it gets frustrating to have continuous delays because of it.
“Occasionally, it’s exciting swimming with this certain weather, but after a while, it gets really irritating,” Howes said.
Miguel Lozano, the captain of the swim team, claims it’s frustrating getting out of the pool if it’s raining or really cold.
“Swimming in the rain isn’t always that bad, it’s just getting out that sucks because it’s cold and the wind hits your skin,” Lozano said.
Although Lozano doesn’t think it’s that bad, other swimmers might because they haven’t had the experience he has had.
Lozano has been swimming ever since he was four. Therefore, he’s used to all kinds of weather. However, he feels for the people that don’t have as much experience with swimming, so it can be difficult for them.
“The weather doesn’t bother me at this point, since I’ve been swimming forever, I’ve gotten used to all types of weather,” Lozano said. “But, I understand that for the people who have never swam before, it can be hard swimming in cold weather.”
The extreme weather can cause delays to the swim team’s meets, practices, and even games.
Because of their ever-changing practice and game schedules, coaching this year hasn’t been the easiest, or as smooth compared to previous years. Nevertheless, Oakmont’s swim coach, Andy Maryatt, still enjoys dedicating his time towards coaching the students who come out.
“I’m happy to be coaching if the kids come out,” Mayatt said. “It’s my job to be there for them so that’s what I’ll try to do.”
Hopefully, the weather will clear up so Oakmont’s swim team can be fully back in session.