2022 Rocklin Cool Down
Huge successes at the Rocklin disc golf tournament.

Player wearing 2022 Rocklin Cool Down shirt and holding disc.
November 30, 2022
The sport of disc golf is on the rise with the sport gaining more popularity in recent years, but there are still many who don’t even know the sport exists.
Disc golf is just like regular golf, except with discs instead of clubs and golf balls. The two are similar, in that there is a driver, midrange, and putter for disc golf as well. Since disc golf is not very well known, many people don’t know that there are even tournaments held right around their neighborhood.
On Nov. 5 and 6, the disc golf course at Johnson Springview park held a tournament for local players where they were able to showcase their skills. Even a 13-year-old, Jahkhan Wright, can win disc golf tournaments against adults; and that is one of the beauties surrounding disc golf.
What goes on behind the scenes that even makes one of these tournaments possible?
“It’s been a year preparing,” Roger Vartabedian, the tournament director, said. “We took a bunch of feedback from 2021 to make this a lot better.”
You can even see the preparations and all the hard work that the Rocklin Disc Golf Club put into the course to make the tournament into something special.
There were new sponsorship signs that went up next to tee pads, course maintenance to make the course look better, and temporary holes that make the course a little more challenging.
“We wanted to bring something to the Rocklin area,” Vartabedian said. “We wanted to bring something at the end of the year while everybody’s winding down their tournament season,” hence the name Rocklin Cool Down.
All of that hard work paid off, and players like Dennis Moss and Nick Yost enjoyed the tournament.
“I thought it was great fun and the new holes were my favorite,” Moss said.
“I think the tournament was amazing, I think the layout was amazing, and I have no complaints,” Yost said.
Many players find disc golf to be a very entertaining sport, and Vartabedian wants to promote the sport to anyone and everyone.
“Come out and play, find people that you don’t know, jump into groups you don’t know and meet people,” Vertebedian said. “It’s an awesome sport that people get into. It doesn’t matter your skill level and everybody has fun.”