Community Service Club
Welcoming a new and active club to Oakmont.

Community Service Club’s easily recognizable logo that includes their mascot.
November 9, 2022
Community Service Club, also known as CSC, is a brand new club on campus. The club is run by the founder and president, Sophia Earnest, along with four other board members.
“Ever since my freshman year, I’ve always wanted to start a club,” Earnest said. “…my friends and I talked about it for a bit and I really just wanted to put it into motion.”
The club mainly focuses on coming together to make a beneficial impact to the community – not only at Oakmont, but outside of school as well.
“I’ve always just loved doing stuff for the community,” Earnest said. “I think that making sure you connect with the people around you can have an amazing impact on other people’s lives. It is really an amazing thing.”
The freshly established club brings various opportunities for students who are looking to make a difference in their community. While they have only just begun, the club has plenty of ambitious future plans being put in the works.
“Recently we’ve connected with a few of the local elementary schools – Crestmont and Sargeant – and we are going to create PBIS videos for them,” Earnest said.
With the PBIS videos, the club is taking volunteer members to create videos on how to act safely, responsibly, respectfully, and kindly. The members will attend the campuses and film so that elementary students will get good insight on what’s expected to be an exceptional student.
Club member California Rowe expressed her excitement with creating the videos.
“I’m looking forward to educating people and just…informing them in a fun way,” Rowe said.
CSC previously took the time to volunteer at a harvest festival at Sargeant Elementary School.
Senior Gabriella Durrans, who volunteered at the event, said, “It was fun, it brought me back to when I went there. I always had fun at harvests so it was…fun to watch the kids have fun.”
Another interactive opportunity that CSC brought to members’ attention was an event at Maidu Park, which also was their very first event. The event was put together by The Roseville Urban Forest Foundation (RUFF) and invited anyone to join. CSC took this as a great opportunity to get the word out and they excitedly shared that information at the first meeting.
At the event, members gathered together and mulched preserves so trees could be planted in the area. It also gave members a chance to bond and learn more about one another.
CSC member Skye Richardson went to the event and had an impactful experience.
“It was fun, I got to connect with a lot of my friends,” Richardson said. “I got to meet the woman who started the organization and learn about her history with Oakmont…. Overall it was a good experience.”
One of the more recent projects that the club provided was helping create “Boo Grams” for students on campus to buy for their friends or significant others. Students were invited at the meeting to help create and sell them the week before Halloween during second lunch.
Each meeting includes a slide presentation that provides projects and events for students who are interested in attending as many events as they can. Meetings are also open for members to bring ideas to the board as well.
“It’s really just a time for us to encourage students to go out and show out at the events.” Earnest said.
The club had their first meeting on Sept. 16 and since then invites students to join them every other Friday in P-20 at 3:30 p.m.. The meetings typically last about 20-30 minutes.
CSC welcomes students to attend meetings and encourages members to always bring a friend along.
Adviser Marcela Kerns has great excitement for CSC as it continues to form and expand. She gets to hear all of the future plans and helps organize ideas for the club.
“I love it, I’m so excited,” Kerns said. “…not only that we have a group of kids that are excited about serving the community, but [they] really have a heart for our school.”
CSC has a lot of ideas and is always offering events for students to attend with the intentions of serving the community and making new friends along the way.
Members or students interested can always get updates from the account on Instagram.
“My overall goal is really just to make a difference…whether it be on Oakmont’s campus or within the community,” Earnest said. “Even if it’s one versus 100, anything matters, everything counts.”