“Rick and Morty” new season review
One of the best animated shows returns to HBO Max. (Spoilers!)
Rick and Morty having an exchange mid-house party.
October 31, 2022
On Sept. 4, the new “Rick and Morty” season six premiere aired on Adult Swim and HBO Max.
This premiere picks up where season five left off, with both the Citadel and Rick and Morty’s saucer destroyed. Their portal gun had no more charge, and they were starting to die.
Then, Space Beth comes and rescues them at the last second. When Rick resets the portal gun, he accidentally resets portal travelers instead of portal travel. This is the conflict in the first episode. When Rick, Morty, and Jerry are forced back into their own universes, it forces Summer, Beth, and Space Beth to try and save the day.
I really like how all of the episodes are always linked together, because Rick and Morty have to go back to their own universes, which Rick and Morty abandoned in season one episode six. They end up killing the Rick and Morty in that universe and burying them in the backyard. This connects to the new season because they have to visit their original universes and Morty feels bad for abandoning his original family.
Rick reveals that Morty’s original Grandpa is the person who killed Rick’s family. At the end of the episode, Jerry from season two lets out a cute alien called Mr. Frundles. Mr. Frundles infects the whole planet in a matter of minutes, and forces the family to find a new timeline. Morty starts to doubt himself; wondering if he is just bait to lure the evil Rick in.
In episode two, Morty is trapped in a video game and Rick has to save all 1one million parts of Morty. While Rick is rescuing Morty, Summer is tasked with taking out the bad guys, who are carrying out the plot of the hit movie “Die Hard.”
In episode three, Morty gets a super realistic video game console, and the family uses the console to distract themselves from the relationship between Beth and Space Beth. Even though it is really obvious to the whole family, Jerry still never figures it out. When he finds out, he rolls into a ball, and because of a failsafe Rick implemented into Jerry, no one can reverse it. When he finally unrolls, he is only mad that they didn’t include him.
In episode four, Rick reveals that he has a “Night Person” which is himself while he sleeps. He can make himself do things that he doesn’t want to do while awake. The rest of the family wants this, and it turns all bad. The night family gets angry that the day family barely helps with any chores. Night family forces the day family to do the chores.
I really enjoyed this episode because of the twists and turns that it takes you through. I really enjoyed the eerie atmosphere that the episode gives off. I was always on the edge of my seat wondering how they planned on beating themselves. The ending was a little lack-luster and a little disappointing.
Episode five had a really funny concept of fortune cookies that always come true. The main premise of the episode is to stop Jerry’s fortune that is bound to come true. This episode was really goofy and always had me wondering what was going to happen next.
The newest episode, number six, featured dinosaurs returning back to Earth and helping out the humans, making them not have to do anything at all. Later, we learn that the dinos always have evil meteors following them and wipe them out. This episode was really funny due to relating to real life celebrities and fourth wall breaks. Overall, this season was a really good addition to the Rick and Morty universe, and is what fans really wanted.