Articles for Horror: Art the Clown
“Terrifier” antagonist Art the Clown.
Image of a wall painted in theme to the movie Terrifier.
October 12, 2022
Who is Art the Clown?
Art the Clown is a serial killer clown first featured in the movie “All Hallows Eve.” Art the Clown was apparently a demonic entity due to him being able to use supernatural ways to scare and kill his victims. He is a brutal killer whose appearance contains a black and white clown costume. He stays silent throughout the movie and “talks” through his movements giving him a very eerie vibe throughout the films.
What was “All Hallows Eve”?
“All Hallows Eve” was the first film featuring Art the Clown. The film was about two kids and a babysitter coming home after trick or treating and finding a VHS tape in their candy bags. The VHS tape contained grusome murders and tortures. After the babysitter shut off the tape, the two children became concerned whether or not the clown from the tape was real. After sending them to bed, she continued to watch the terrifying tape. She got to a segment in the tape where a costume designer tried to escape the clown, but was eventually caught and killed. She shut off the tape after that, but got a call. It was the costume designer pleading for help. If she wasn’t scared enough, the TV turns back on by itself, showing Art as he slowly walks up to the screen and pounds on the glass of the TV. The babysitter decided to smash the tape, but shortly after heard the two kids scream. She followed their screams up the stairs only to see Art standing outside the kids room laughing and gesturing for her to walk in. She covered her eyes in fear and when she opened them again, Art was gone and the kids were dead with “Art the Clown” written on the wall in blood.
What was “Terrifier”?
“Terrifier” was the second movie about Art the Clown. “Terrifier” was the slasher film that was focused on Art himself. The film started with a TV broadcast; it’s an interview about a disfigured woman who survived Art. In the interview, the woman talked about how he was missing from the morgue but she saw him die. Then on Halloween night, two drunk women, Tara and Dawn, were about to enter their car after a long night but got hungry and walked to a pizzeria and were intrigued by him and followed him in. They start to bother Art, and when he only sits there in silence staring, they only get creeped out and leave him. After a short time, he got kicked out by the people that work at the pizza shop for smearing his feces on the walls. The girls walked out a little while later to head home after their long night. Getting to their car, they saw that one of Dawn’s tires got slashed, and Tara called her sister Vicky to come get them. While they were waiting, Tara asked a pest control worker that was working in an apartment complex if she could use the bathroom in the empty apartment he was working in. Tara saw Art in the complex and he lured her into the basement where he drugged her. When she awoke, Art revealed Dawn and made Tara watch as he killed her. Tara tried to escape, but Art shot her to death. Vicky arrived but was lured into the basement by Art and she discovered what she thought was just hurt Tara but it is actually Art, who killed a lady and is wearing her scalp. Art attacked her, but the worker came behind them and knocked out Art, and then called the cops. When he woke up, he killed the worker and hit Vicky with a truck. He then started to eat her face and before the cops could get to him, he shot himself, making Vicky believe he was dead until he disappeared. She was the woman from the interview at the beginning of the movie – making it about the previous “Halloween.”
What’s the theory for “Terrifier 2”?
Terrifier 2 will most likely be a lot like the first two movies. Brutal, demented, and gorey. Although we don’t know much, here are the things we know so far: Art will be coming back to Miles County to stalk a girl and her younger brother, dressed in the same black and white clown costume. With the same silence that gives off an extremely eerie and creepy vibe. The movies will most definitely not be for the people who get sick with blood and gore. If it’s as scary as the other movies, it will be the perfect movie for Halloween.