Combating anti-asian hate

Michael Kentris

Aubrey Smith, Staff Writer

Some might consider an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes as an unforeseeable consequence of the Coronavirus pandemic, but that is a naive take on the social-political climate of the country.

This rise in anti-Asian hate spurs from the rhetoric spewed by former president Donald Trump and his administration. During a time of great panic and confusion, the administration labeled the Coronavirus as the “China virus” and the “kung flu” which directly associates the disease with the country of origin.

The increasing aversion in the country is a direct result of the Trump administration placing the blame of the pandemic on China during the pandemic. As late as the 2020 presidential debates Trump was continuing to deflect responsibility for America’s poor response to the pandemic onto the “China virus”. Because of his lack of accountability Asian-Americans are suffering greatly.

Across the nation anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise. In 2019 there were three reported Asian-American hate crimes in New York City alone; already in 2021 there have been 35. While the difference is shocking, these numbers may appear small overall- this is due to the issue of the ‘hate crime’ in general in the American justice system.

Hate crimes are notoriously undercounted and underreported in this country. Much of this is due to the few and ill defined laws relating to the matter. Hate crimes are primarily considered a state issue. Three states have no hate crime related laws and 20 do not require data collection on hate crimes leading to underrepresentation.

The issue of anti-Asian hate is apparent and pressing, and some Oakmont students are stepping up to the plate and joining the fight against it. Juniors Angela Palapos and Catherine Mendoza, members of the Oakmont Asian Student Union, presented a proclamation denouncing Anti-Asian hate at a Roseville City board meeting.

In the proclamation they cited the need for unity at this time, to stand up for the Asian-American members of our community. The proclamation is the first step, but in order to really show support there are a few things the students of Oakmont can do.

If students have the resources but not time to go out and protest, a great thing to do is donate to both victims of these crimes and to organizations seeking to make legislative change to benefit the people targeted by these hate crimes. 

Here are a few places to donate to help the local Asian-American community:

Another way to help the Asian-American community is by being an advocate and being educated. The article “A History of Anti-Asian Hate in the United States” by Laleh Ispahani and Kavita Nandini Ramdas is very informative of the suffering the Asian-American community has endured.

The Oakmont Asian-American Union is another great resource to become informed about the community and what they go through in our country, especially with the heightened effects of COVID-19 on the treatment of Asians in America.


*Following the March Atlanta Spa Shooting that resulted in six Asian women killed, Georgia is a great place to donate to directly help with change to support those victims and their community