The Cancellation of SAT sites in the Placer County Area
The struggles of students trying to take the SAT
The administration of the SAT has been canceled in 17 countries, including places like China, Italy, Japan, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.
October 9, 2020
Due to safety concerns because of the Coronavirus, many SAT testing sessions from March until now have been cancelled, affecting many students nationwide.
“I rescheduled [my test] four times,” senior Sean Chung said.
Dealing with the College Board’s lack of communication with students across the nation is a common problem many have had to deal with. Students have hoped that their sessions wouldn’t be cancelled because of how hard it has been trying to reschedule their original sessions.
“It actually stressed me out more when I found out two weeks before that my SAT at Rocklin wasn’t cancelled,” senior Jaap Bains said. “It was on the closed list for such a long time and I feel like College Board didn’t really communicate that the test center had opened back up well enough.”
Fortunately, some students have been lucky and have not had their sessions cancelled on them.
“I took it on September 26 at Rocklin High school,” junior Valentina Moreno said. “I was grateful it wasn’t cancelled because otherwise who knows when the next one would be.”
Several students have been stressed due to these cancellations because they need to take this test in order for them to get into a certain college or possible financial support.
“I [was] a bit stressed because [the cancellations] really messed up my schedules,” Chung said. “It was delayed for such a long time and eventually I had to take it at the busiest time in my school year.”
Luckily, our county has had several testing sites continue to proctor the test without any cancellations. As college applications near, many SAT test takers are hoping that this good luck streak of no cancellations continues in our area.
“I hope that they continue to provide at least one a month and that they dont get cancelled because I know a lot of seniors need/want to take these for their college applications,” Moreno said. “Personally, I hope they dont get cancelled in case I need to retake it.”