2020 Oakmont Elections
The results of the ASB and Class Representatives elections for the 2021 school year are in!
February 27, 2020
The results are in; the winning candidates for class and ASB positions have been determined in a new way than prior years.
For the first time ever, the Student Government class created a Google Form in order to vote for the student body’s school representatives electronically rather than physically going some place on campus to vote. The Student Government class did so in order to make this school elections more like real political ones.
“Moving the election to be online was a huge change,” Activities Director and teacher Mr. Kentris said. One of the big things from student feedback that I heard from a lot of students is that when the election was done out in the quad, trying to get students to come up and vote was always difficult. In effort to increase engagement with students on campus… we made the decision to move it to be electronic.”
This strategy allowed for a significant increase in voters with students casting their vote for the candidates.
“We had over 1,300 students actually vote so it was a huge increase in voter turnout which was a great representation for everyone to do their civil duties,” Kentris said.
Another change in the process of selecting ASB and class representatives was the information provided online regarding the goals and credentials of each individual. This allowed the student body the opportunity to learn more about the students who wanted to represent them.
“I think the elections went really smoothly,” Kentris said. “We put together an elections committee which was made up of two seniors that was on the website, Angel and Raavika, and they basically compiled all the information from people who wanted to run…put it on the website, and created the Google Forms.”
There was also an increase in elected positions for which the student body could campaign. Before, there were only two positions to fill, while now there are five. Available class officer positions went up as well from two to four.
With all of that said, here are the final results:
ASB President
Samantha Constant
ASB Vice President
Nicole D’Amico
ASB Secretary
Mia Beamenderfer
ASB Treasurer
Mariah Reinhold
ASB School Board Rep
Hernoor Sandhu
Senior Class President
Andrew Zaikin
Senior Class Vice President
Colin Wong
Senior Class Secretary
Davis Tran
Senior Class Treasurer
Faraz Akbari
Junior Class President
Alyssa Schmidt
Junior Class Vice President
Jolie Anderson
Sophomore Class President
Sophia Earnest